Leather products, created and manufactured in Romania!

Kee multifunctional kit

SKU: pc-k-2191

Made of 2CR13 hardened martensitic martensitic stainless steel, this wrench-shaped tool has 12 tools that do everything from tightening screws to opening a bottle of soda, all in a sleek wrench design that can be attached to a keychain. The Kee multifunctional kit is a versatile set of tools designed to meet the diverse needs of the DIY, repair or everyday enthusiast. It includes a wide range of tools, from screwdrivers and pliers to cutters and accessories for various applications, all in a compact and easy-to-carry design. Whether you want to repair household items, make small adjustments to your car or improve your hobby projects, the Kee kit offers the complete and convenient solution for all these tasks.

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